She told me her name is Charlotta. At first she tried to make me belive it was Charlotte Amaie like an old Danish queen but in the end admitteted it was just Charlotta.
February 9th I ordered a body for Charlotta and a LittleFee Reni from Fairyland. I'm really looking forward to getting my Reni who'll be a girl. I have two different wigs for her to choose from and two sets of eyes. One of the wigs is the second wig Charlotta tried. I have no idea wich ones she'll choose or just what her name might be. I'm very excited about her though.
Today I also bought a ws MiniFee female A-line body for my Lishe head. The head is currently out for face-up and it'll take a while before I get the body. I have no idea about her name either. She'll be getting a fantasy face-up and I plan to commision a Mori girl outfit for her.
And silly silly me is alread thinking about the next doll I want. I'm insane. I know. LOL