I have had the wig and eyes for the Pipi girl for a while. Her name is probably going to be Rowan and she'll have red hair (Jpop Kana Wave wig) and olive green Enchanted eyes. The wig is the same deep red colour as unpolished cobber. I think she'll be very beautiful.
Now I'm talking about Jpop wigs . . . I just got some wigs from them some days ago. I just LOVE their new Winter Angel wigs. They are really wonderful.
The first one is a 7/8 Winter Angel - here modeled by Katarina my DollZone tan Annie

Then there's a Winter Angel in 5/6 modeled by Sif my PukiFee Ante

And a Kana Wavw also modeled by Sif

And last but not least another Winter Angel in 6/7 modeled by Shilling my LittleFee modded Rachel

Shilling imideatly claimed that wig as her future wig. And can you blame her? I just love it on her. I liked her old wig a lot but this is just so . . . it really enhances her face.
And another picture of her just because I love her so much.
